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Diskussioun:Russesch-orthodox Kierch zu Lëtzebuerg

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Unfortunately I do not speak very well Luxembourgish (except "moien" and "Schuebrfouer" :)), therefore I should be grateful if somebody could translate my text before putting it in the artcle:

"Nearby to a business part of Luxembourg-city, on silent, with a one-way traffic street Jean-Pierre Probst situated Sacred Peter and Paul's.

The prior of the temple is Father Sergey (Сергей) with the surname Puh (Пух). All his family is Russian, natives from below Poltava (Ukraine). During Civil war his father battled in army of baron Vrangel (Врангель). After defeat of White army all family moved abroad. They wandered, lived in misery and eventually appeared in Bulgaria where Аather Sergey was born. Then they went to Luxembourg together with other compatriots. So Russian officers became miners, worked and at other enterprises, at ceramic factory... It was very difficult time. But the belief in the God and in the validity remained them unshakable. Russians didn’t have Orthodox Church, it was necessary to bear service and to make ceremonies under the arrangement in Catholic temples, or in the “house churches”. It is at somebody’s home, if where was enough space. Like this passed years. But when war has burst, Russian colony began to leave Luxembourg, being afraid of arrival of fascist.

The family of Puh moved to America. There the future priest grown, learned on the expert on economy and the finance and successfully worked in solid bank, but he did not forget the God - studied in a theological seminary at Russian foreign Synod. Father Sergey freely knows five languages - Russian, English, French, German and Luxembourgish. He perspective moved ahead in the bank field, was in good repute. However the misfortune has rushed into a safe life - he was very ill of unknown medicine illness and after three unsuccessful operations his end, appears, and was predetermined...

However there was a miracle. The terrible illness suddenly disappeared, has released as unexpectedly, as well as has arisen. It was a sign. He understood that the God prolonged his life. But nothing happens simple. Father Sergey gave a vow: all remained life to devote to service to the God, belief. There were many ways. Russian Orthodox Church is in the honour, the clergy is held in respect in the United States. But Luxembourg attract him, not itself, there his family left a part of the soul and there once a vein Russian community. He decided to say goodbye to the American bank and for beginning be accept like a deacon, to lodge in Luxembourg and to construct there church in memory of Russian brotherhood which has helped to survive Russian and to keep belief...

The Lord of the Orthodox Church, from whom Sergey Puh asked a blessing, told him that the arrival in Luxembourg is insignificant and asked him with which money he wants to live. But it did not disturb the enthusiast inspired by his dream, because he had a fine speciality, an operational experience, knowledge of languages. So the new period in the life of Father Sergey has begun.

Having moved to Luxembourg, Sergey Puh at once was accepted in one of the largest and prestigious banks "Bank General du Luxembourg" where he managed department on export-import transactions. It needed knowledge of rare Luxembourg language! Especially during five years of circulations on bureaucratic instances and cabinets when he achieved the sanction of authorities to construction of the church conceived by him.

The most difficult was to explain to officials that Father Sergey could feel only, this nostalgia on the past of Russian Christians, who lived here. Many, of course, did not understand it (and so, probably, still did not understood it), why Catholic country needs necessary the Orthodox temple.

In persistence and persistence to Father Sergey nobody can give up. In general, having overcome all administrative barriers, he achieved the consent of capital municipality to allocation of a place of the ground for the future church. It was not somewhere, it was in five minutes from the Luxembourg-city centre! Half-business was made. Then was necessary to begin construction of a temple.

For construction of church he needed a significant capital. However and this problem the priest-banker with the God's help also was solved: all those years while he pestered officials, he actively, with an invention and resource collected means. Worldwide he dispatched letters with a statement of the plan and the request to render the feasible help. Addressees were different. Russian people scattered every where in the world, every possible charitable societies. And donations began to act on the bank account of the conceived church, and the employee of bank mister Puh skilfully placed it so that the collected capital acquired good percent.

The church was erected in four years. The term for construction was generally considerable. Therefore it was enough difficulties during the building: the local resident should catch features of shape of Orthodox temples sensitively; a list of internal premises, faces sacred - all should be faultlessly Christian; contractors should show patience and work in a duty as the collected capitals, alas, have not sufficed... Father Sergey also invested a lot of money, but he does not like to speak about it. The first divine service took place in Peter and Paul's church in the street Jean-Pierre Probst in 1982. Since this time it proceeds almost every day, and it is obligatory on Sundays.

In the specially equipped dining room in the basement especially during holidays a lot of people. Here the tables are covered, and in the best Russian traditions solemn dinners, children's morning performances, fur-trees are arranged. The doors are opened for all orthodox Christians - whether it is Ethiopians, Serbs, Bulgarians, who you can always meet here.

The priest of the Russian Orthodox Church in Luxembourg never was in Russia, but he dreams to visit it like a priest."

Thanks. --Yabloko 16:17, 2 Jul 2005 (UTC)

All my compliments for this big contribution. I will take care of the translation as soon as I will find time, i.e. tomorrow evening I will start with it. --Otets 20:52, 2 Jul 2005 (UTC)

Wëllen se lo den Tiermercher eng Kapëttchen opsetzen? freet sech de --Cornischong 22:16, 2 Jul 2005 (UTC) , de mengt datt et elo domm a blöd gëtt.

dohigepucht[Quelltext änneren]

Am Artikel steet de Grënner als Poukh, Pukh a Puch, heidriwwer als Puh. Kinnte mer eis op eng Schreifweis eenegen? --Zinneke (Diskussioun) 15:11, 28. Jul. 2014 (UTC)[äntweren]

Gutt gesinn. Am LW-Artikel, dee viru mer läit, steet Poukh. Ech kenne mech net mat der russescher Schreifweis aus, weess awer datt et net ëmmer einfach ass en Numm aus dem Russeschen an eis Schreifweis z'iwwerhuelen... Ech vereenheetlechen emol op 'Poukh', wéi am LW-Artikel. D'Journalistin huet eng russesch Fra interviewt, déi e Buch, op Russesch, iwwer déi russesch-orthodox Par zu Lëtzebueg publizéiert huet. Et kann also gutt sinn, datt 'Poukh' eng ackzeptabel Schreifweis ass. --Cayambe (Diskussioun) 15:25, 28. Jul. 2014 (UTC)[äntweren]
Poukh fënnt een och op alle Websäite wou de Mann ernimmt gëtt. --Cayambe (Diskussioun) 15:38, 28. Jul. 2014 (UTC)[äntweren]